CFNB joins CHZ, ENJ, SUSHI in the new pool!

FNB Protocol
May 6, 2021

CHZ (CHZ), SUSHI (SUSHI), and ENJ (Engine Coin) coins will participate in the 6th new pool of virtual asset deposit service DeFi (CFNB).

‘(CFNB)’ has also opened a De-Fi pool with Ethereum (ETH), and is currently participating in Celeb Plus (CELEB), APIX, Banana Talk (BNA), and BAAS. Additionally, Binance such as CHZ, Engine Coin (ENJ), Sushi Swap (SUSHI), and large-sized nose like Bithumb, etc.

This defi system will be composed of new and diverse ratios, including 5% of Chillise (CHZ), 5% of ENJ (Engine Coin), and 10% of SUSHI (SUSHI).
The new pool will be released on the CFNB website at 11 a.m. on the 6th (today).



FNB Protocol

FNB creates a decentralized franchise business ecosystem through AR advertising platform, “Cashleaflet”